
New Years Resolutions for Vacuum Furnace Operators

New Year's Resolutions

With the start of a new year, many take the opportunity to make positive changes. If you’re a vacuum furnace owner, operator, or maintenance technician seeking inspiration for New Year’s resolutions, here are some recommendations from Ipsen’s leaders and experts.

1. Monitor Your Pumps

Check your oil sight glasses daily, looking to make sure the color is correct, and the levels are good. Once every month, look at your pulleys and belts for signs of wear.

– Patrick McKenna, President & CEO of Ipsen USA
Learn more about pumping systems.

2. Upgrade Your Control Systems

Upgrading your controls will ensure that you’re capable of subscribing to the changing requirements of AMS2750H and AMS2769 while at the same time enhancing your furnace’s functionality and improving your return on investment.

– Jim Grann, Technical Director
Learn more about controls.

3. Check Your Water System

Your furnace needs clean, flowing water to perform at its best. Make a point to check your water system regularly. Check on the flow rate, look for signs of rust or lime build-up, and make sure the chemistry of the water in the system meets the manufacturer’s specifications.

– Tom Teichen, TITAN Project Lead
Learn more about water systems.

4. Get (Re)Wired

Replace your internal jack panel and Ductorseal wiring. It needs to be done at least once a year. The internal jack panel and Ductorseal wiring can be a source of temperature measurement error as they age. Errors in temperature measurement will negatively affect temperature uniformity surveys and may even result in failed surveys. Temperature measurement errors, if severe, can also result in scrapped loads. Pyrometry data has to be accurate; changing out these two items at least once a year make it more likely to be accurate.

– Craig Moller, Chief Engineer
Learn more about pyrometry services.

5. Plan To Upgrade Your Outdated Furnace

As furnaces age, frequent repairs and retrofits are likely to be necessary, leading to increased maintenance time, potential part failures, inconsistent production schedules, and a potential loss of customers. Consider replacing an aging furnace with a new Ipsen vacuum furnace, which you can count on to deliver consistent, high-quality parts efficiently.

– Mark Heninger, Director of Equipment Sales
Key Considerations When Planning to Upgrade Your Vacuum Furnace

Find out more about vacuum furnaces, parts and services or request a quote.