Quakertown, PENNSYLVANIA (November 3, 2020) – Vacu Braze, a specialty commercial heat-treating facility, meets the evolving needs of its customers with an Ipsen Turbo2Treater® vacuum furnace specially designed for carburizing and solution nitriding.
With high-speed, high-pressure internal gas quenching, the Turbo2Treater provides best-in-industry cycle times while minimizing part distortion and enhancing part quality. It can also adapt to a wide range of materials, geometries and load types.
Vacu Braze uses the Turbo2Treater to harden steels with Ipsen’s patented SolNit® (solution nitriding) process. The SolNit process increases surface hardness and improves resistance against wear, erosion and cavitation. Parts treated in Ipsen’s Turbo2Treate® range from surgical instruments to household appliances.
Vacu Braze also uses Ipsen’s aftermarket resources including installation, spare parts, controls upgrades, replacements and retrofits.
“Vacu Braze is extremely proud of the relationship we have developed with Ipsen over the years,” said Kirk Palermo, Vice President of Vacu Braze.
Vacu Braze reports an increase in new market opportunity since installing the Turbo2Treater.