Whether your company is shutting down, or continuing to manufacture through the holidays, there are a few maintenance items that you might want to add to your checklist so you can start the new year with your equipment running at its best.
General Preventive Maintenance Checklists
Every 3 months:
☐ Inspect all Variable Reactant Transformers (VRT).
☐ Inspect secondary power cables to the VRT for wear.
☐ Ensure that all cables to and from the VRT have tight connections.
☐ Inspect the setting of the blower blast gate to avoid exceeding motor amperage ratings (Ipsen MetalMaster/HR models only).
☐ Inspect bottom head or door alignment to tank flange.
☐ Ensure that the bottom head motor and the gearbox shafts are aligned (Ipsen bottom loading furnaces only).
☐ Test control and overtemperature thermocouples for proper response and direction.
Every 6 Months:
☐ Replace load thermocouples regardless of appearance. If the vacuum-indicating instrument shows a possible malfunction in the sensing head, apply corrective actions and replace the vacuum-sensing head.
☐ Check the temperature, calibration, and stability on your vacuum and temperature sensing instruments.
☐ If you have an older furnace, clean and lubricate the chart drive mechanics and slide-wire mechanism in the paper chart recorder.
Winterizing and Shutdown
☐ Prepare your facility and heat-treatment equipment to handle winter conditions by winterizing your water system. This is especially important if your heat exchangers are outdoors. Click here for more information on winterizing your heat-treating furnace.
☐ Schedule necessary maintenance during planned shutdown to limit downtime and make sure that your equipment is in great shape.
☐ Check your spare parts inventory and stock up on depleted items.
If you need help winterizing your furnace, ordering spare parts, or if you have questions about preventive maintenance best practices, contact the Ipsen Customer Service Team at 1-844-464-7736.